Mercari Risk Management helps businesses through the COVID-19 crisis

Mercari Risk Management helps business in the following ways:

  • During 2020 we will rebate part of our commission for the first year, potentially saving you up to 10% on your premiums.


  • We will tailor your insurance policy to focus on the essential elements of cover during the lock-down period and during the recovery period. We will advocate on your behalf with insurers to ensure that you only pay for what you need.


  • We will work with you to help you manage your risk, including risks you either can’t insure or risks which you do not wish to insure, so that you are in good shape for when the recovery begins, and beyond.


  • We can introduce you to our strategic partners for:
    • Access to Government backed and standard business loans to see you through
    • IT security to ensure your systems are not abused by hackers.  Our partner will undertake a free remote test of your system to establish and vulnerabilities and provide you with ‘no-cost’, and low-cost solutions to enhance your IT security
    • Lower cost foreign currency exchange, saving you ££££’s if you import from abroad

Contact us now for more details:

07512 738 751



